A mixed month of good and bad days, but still lots of stitching as I'm doing TAST 2010 and the re-run of TAST 2007.
I was 75 on 11th May and had a lovely day with lots of flowers, cards, presents, and best of all visitors. My best 'present' will be on June 5th when, after many months waiting and having other things sorted out, I should be getting my first new hip. I'm counting the days!

TAST 8 Fancy Hem Stitch

TAST 9 Raised Herringbone Band

TAST 10 Cloud Filling Stitch

TAST 11 Bullion Buttonhole Stitch ...'Catkin Twigs'
This is my favourite so far.
I am up to TAST 20 in the 2007 re-run - too many to post here but they are on my Flickr stream. http://www.flickr.com/photos/23261611@N04/4615816401/
Stitching and Flickr keep me going, especially on the bad days!