In fact not half finished!
I joined a '6x4' group a few days ago. The group challenge is to make at least one textile post card each month, not necessarily to trade. I felt like doing something a bit disciplined as I usally faff about, often getting nowhere.
I found the deck chair fabric panel that Maureen sent me some time ago and decided to make a card for July on a Summer theme. I felt sure that I'd finish it by today.
Well I didn't - we have visitors coming tomorrow and Friday so it won't get finished until early August. (August?? where have those seven months gone to?)
I've uploaded the unfinished piece to prove to myself that at least I started it in July.
I know I'll blanket stitch the edge next, add a few tiny shells on the beach and white fly stitch birds in the blue patch on the left.
Hopefully the edging will take up quite a bit of the remaining two patches - I can't think what to do there - maybe a few seed beads and leaves.
Then I'll have lots of time to do a card for August - but I'm sure to be rushing it in the last few days again - that's how I work!