Tuesday, 2 September 2008

A lovely embroidery, bought by my aunt from a house sale 60/70 years ago and now at my sister's house. It has always been one of my favourites.
I've browsed the thousands of gadgets now available here and have at last found a clear calendar - so now each morning in addition to being glad to be alive, I know the time and what day it is without taxing my brain .... see a different Monet .... and translate blog to French and read it through, as I'm trying to brush up on the language.
I love this modern technology!


Siavash G. said...

That's a really beautiful photo.

Maureen said...

What a beautiful embroidery, the colours are still so vibrant and oh to be able to do french knots like that!!

Ati said...

This is so lovely and so neat made. How is it possible that people sell those things on a house sale? It is a real treasure.

Viv said...

Amazing embroidery Connie.....